Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Python Programming is the Language of Future

Python is one of the most widespread languages ​​in the development of any application is not a coincidence, and it is thanks to its characteristics that its welcome in the developer community is booming.Python is a language that combines properties of different programming paradigms , giving it a series of features that make it very particular compared to other languages, which has helped to have such widespread use today.

Python is a multiparadigma language , this means that it combines properties of different programming paradigms.The field in which Python has shone in recent years is in the development of web applications, mainly thanks to very powerful web development frameworks such as Django , a complete framework or Flask , a microframework.
Python Progrmming
3 Reasons to Learn Python

Mainly it is an object- oriented language , everything in Python is an object, but it also incorporates aspects of imperative, functional, procedural and reflexive programming. This helps to easily create programs with reusable components.

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One of its most differential features is that it is an interpreted language , this means that it is not compiled unlike other languages ​​such as Java or C / C ++, but is interpreted at runtime. This against him assumes that it is slower in execution times, but thanks to advances in cloud technology, with great capacity for data management at a high speed and at an affordable cost, it is valued more positively by developers Python's focus on improving maintenance capacity, readability, favoring simplicity of design and code quality .In addition, Python can be run on different operating systems such as Windows or Linux simply by using the interpreter programmed for it.

Python in the market

Python can be used to program all types of applications and services, with many prestigious companies already using it .

Does it sound like Google, YouTube or Facebook? Well, yes, they already use this programming language regularly in their applications and services. And little by little Python is gaining territory among developers, and it has become one of the most requested and, above all, most essential languages ​​of the moment.

And it is that many of the new tools that have emerged, such as in growing sectors such as   Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other technologies that are exploited by data analysts, have been developed in Python or offer us Python as the favorite way to interact with them.

This shows us that programming in Python is the most viable and effective option in the market right now for both companies that need to develop some type of application, ensuring the use of a language with a lot of travel, as well as for the developers themselves in the working market.

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